The power of black foods

Black foods have an extraordinary power for our body!
They contain a special molecule with the ability to reproduce the feeling of absence of food in the cell nucleus, thus bringing beneficial effects for our health.
This molecule activates the same protein activated in the absence of nutrients, causing the fat reserves to move into the blood and to convert into energy.
Here are four examples of delicious and healthy food.
Black rice, also called Venere rice, whose grains, rich in fiber, satiate and slow down the absorption of sugars and fats; black beans, with a high anti-cholesterol and anti-inflammatory power; lentils, also able to lower cholesterol levels in the blood; and blueberries, a natural remedy against heavy legs.
If you want to try a healthy and organic diet, from DM Drogerie Market to CityLife Shopping District you will find many natural and healthy products, such as organic, gluten-free or vegan foods.