In City
CityLifers Wall

CityLife Shopping District is a place of aggregation, sharing and entertainment with original and unique experiences dedicated to its lively community.
Different personalities, heterogeneous lifestyles, multifaceted experiences, multiple interests and objectives… Anyone who loves spending time in CityLife Shopping District is already part of its community: “The CityLifers”!
CityLifers are the beating soul of the Shopping District, and as such, they were the real stars of the CityLifers Wall, a maxi “#CITYLIFERS” sign installed in Piazza Tre Torri in July.
The writing was gradually filled with photos of CityLifers, who shared their passions, their style and their connection with the Shopping District through their shoots.
Several influencers also participated in “wallpapering” the new hashtag with their faces: Alice de Togni, Martina Pinto, Annacarla & Simona, Martina Maccherone.
The world of CityLifers never stops: in September many new moments of sharing and fun.
Are you curious to find out what we have planned? Continue to follow our social networks and do not miss the opportunity to say “I am a CityLifer too!”